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Relax, Meditate, and Practice Yoga
with Loving Light Yoga & Healing Center
Now you can take the beauty of Englewood Beach on Manasota Key, Florida, and Loving Light Yoga home with you! We’ve recorded some of our favorite meditations and practices for you to use when you’re not with us in Englewood. Enjoy any time or how often you would like in the comfort of your own space.
Monthly Video Subscription is $11 per month, auto renew until canceled.
Please let us know if you have questions or would like help choosing your videos.
Be well, be happy, practice yoga everyday!
Yoga Videos ─ Gentle and All Levels

Gentle Yoga Flow is a great class for beginners and all levels. It's a Heart-Centered flow of gentle, deep stretching to increase flexibility, reduce stress and tension, and increase the flow of vital energy. Also increase your strength, balance and focus, and align with the elements of your body while deepening the breath to open and expand your lungs, purify the blood and balance all the systems of the body.
This Gentle Yoga Flow is followed by a guided relaxation to restore the body and the mind.
Gentle Yoga Flow and Relaxation (4/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 0:47:51

Sun Salutations Flow warms and tones the whole body while nourishing the joints and opening all the energy centers within.
This is a short session that you can practice to help develop your sun salutation flow. No props are needed, however, some may want to use two blocks in the front of their mat to give extra support in the lunges.
Sun Salutations Flow (5/2022)
Beginner Level with Lata
Video Length is 0:15:57
Yin Practice (5/2022)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 0:48:38

Prop Needed for Class:
* One block
* A blanket
Stretch and decompress with Lata with a practice designed to help you release stress and tension, improve your flexibility, and open your body to allow life force energy (prana) to flow. This is a great way to start your day as you refresh your mind and body. Raise your energy, lower your stress and end with a guided relaxation.
Move Your Energy & De-Stress (7/26/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:01:36

Props Needed for Class:
* Cushion or a couple pillows
* Two blankets
* Wall space for your legs, or legs could be up on sofa or chair
Our practice includes breath awareness and centering, legs up the wall to awaken the body and the vital flow of life force energy – prana, gentle deep stretching, and holding a little longer to release tightness and tension in the deep connective tissues bringing greater flexibility and ease in the body. We end with a guided meditation to calm and center our mind.
Restore With Yoga (7/26/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 0:48:55
Restorative Yoga
with the Crystal Bowls (4/2020)
All Levels with Robert and Lata
Video Length is 0:37:03
Good Morning Yoga (3/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 0:57:25

Mindful Flow for Flexibility begins with Pranayama (breathing exercises) to awaken the body and the vital flow of life force energy-prana. Gentle deep stretching and holding a little longer to release tightness and tension in the deep connective tissues bringing greater flexibility and ease in the body. We end with a guided meditation to calm and center our minds.
Mindful Yoga Flow for Flexibility (3/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 0:31:24

Props Needed for Slow Flow Yin:
* Bolster
* Blanket
* Block
* Strap
Join Lata for your Slow Flow Yin Yoga practice. Suitable for all levels, this practice offers the potential for deep relaxation and deliberate stillness while holding a posture a little longer and moving slowing and intentionally.
It encourages physical and emotional healing as well as encourages connection of mind and body for a profound sense of inner peace and overall well-being.
Holding the supported postures for a longer period of time will slowly strengthen and invite a deeper relaxation in the muscles and the deep connective tissues of the body where most of the tightness and tension is stored.
You are guaranteed to cultivate a sense of spaciousness and levity!
Slow Flow Yin Yoga (3/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:02:55
Chair Videos ─ All Levels
Strength and Vitality Videos ─ Moderate Level
Vinyasa Flow (5/2022)
Moderate Level with Lata
Video Length is 0:37:49

Sun Salutation Flow, a moderate-level class, is with Lata in the Loving Light Yoga Indoor Studio.
Sun Salutations are among the most refined and effective movement meditations for health and well being ever created. Originally practiced to connect to the sun's vitality, this precise combination of forward bends, back bends and inversions awakens the breath and promotes circulation and inner balance through the flow of prana shakti — our creative life force.
Practicing Sun Salutations in the morning is a wonderful way to awaken your body, to stretch and to say good morning to each of your muscles. Sun Salutations also give you a lot of power. It’s an energetic sequence designed to make you strong, powerful, glowing and confident.
Sun Salutation Flow (3/2020)
Moderate Level with Lata
Video Length is 0:28:10
Breath Work and Meditation Videos

Sitting with awareness of the breath, witnessing the breath and just being with the breath in stillness. We then practice an energizing and cleansing breath – Kapalabhati, and a calming and balancing breath – Alternate Nostril Breath. A peaceful pause to center, balance, and calm the mind and nervous system.
Breath Awareness Meditation
& Pranayama (7/26/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 0:20:38
Crystal Bowls Sound Therapy Videos
Crystal Bowls Meditation (6/18/2020)
All Levels with Lata and Robert
Video Length is 0:50:13
Restorative Yoga
with the Crystal Bowls (4/2020)
All Levels with Robert and Lata
Video Length is 0:37:03

The crystal bowls are singing gifts from Mother Earth herself, made of quartz crystal. They are a modern version of healing tools that have been used since ancient times. As the bowls are tapped and played, their quartz crystal matrix vibrates. This sound vibration spirals outward in an ever-widening circular path that travels to infinity.
Not only are you able to hear the tones, you can actually feel the vibrations. They resonate with the crystalline structure of the body as well as its subtle template also known as the aura. The bowls are tuned to our musical scale, and each note correlates with different energy centers in the body. These centers in turn correspond to different body systems, organs and endocrine glands all the way down to the cellular level.
The crystal bowls remind us of who we truly are, not separate from the Absolute. As we relax and listen to the singing bowls, our entire brain illuminates allowing the right and left hemispheres to communicate together. New neural pathways develop, leaving you feeling at peace and content and fully aware and present.
Crystal Bowls Sound Bath (3/2020)
All Levels with Robert
Video Length is 0:20:00
Beach Yoga Videos
Gentle Yoga Flow (2014)
Beginner and All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 0:39:35
Energized Yoga Flow (2014)
Moderate Level with Lata
Video Length is 0:36:09
Good Morning Yoga (2012)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:04:16
Yoga Zoom Videos
(selections are Zoom recordings, please excuse sound quality)

Practice a Slow Flow of postures to warm and energize the body and to go deep within. Release tension through long holding in the deep connective tissues known as fascia.
This practice includes a beginning Chakra meditation to open and balance the flow of energy, life force through the body. Class ends with a guided relaxation.
Slow Flow Yoga (5/29/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:26:00
Hatha Yoga (5/27/2020)
Moderate to Gentle Level with Lata
Video Length is 1:15:22

Gentle Yoga for Grounding is a flow of postures designed to create flexibility and mobility in your body, slowly strengthening and building steadiness and balance. You'll feel more grounded in your body and connected to the earth while calming your mind with breath awareness and movement. This practice is followed by guided meditation and relaxation.
Gentle Yoga for Grounding (5/26/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:10:26

Needed for Class:
* Blanket
Yin Yoga is a gentle flow of Yin postures for deep stretching and longer holding to free the body of deep tensions and tightness.
Your Yin practice includes a gentle stretch of the fascia (deep connected tissues) creating more space and flow in your body. Gentle stretching also for your bones to build bone density as well as a releasing and letting go of the monkey mind, the active busy mind. All allowing you to rest in the calm and awareness of your breath.
Yin Yoga (5/19/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:09:16
Good Morning Yoga (5/18/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:08:03
Gentle Yoga Flow (5/14/2020)
All Levels with Lata
Video Length is 1:06:00
Monthly Video Subscription
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Thank you for your interest in our Loving Light Yoga & Healing Center online videos.
Your Monthly Subscription plan renews automatically 30 days from the date of purchase until you or Loving Light Yoga cancel it.
Non-refundable payments – including credit and debit card purchases – are accepted through Pay with PayPal.
Streaming times vary according to the size of the video. Larger files might take a bit to load.
Please let us know if you have questions about the Monthly Subscription plan, or if you would like help in choosing the online videos. Enjoy your practice with us!
Lata & Robert