Beach Class Descriptions

Community Beach Yoga on Englewood Beach
2100 North Beach Road, Englewood Beach Park
Manasota Key in Charlotte County
Good Morning Yoga
Gentle Yoga for Every Body
with Lata & Robert
Good Morning Yoga — Breathe the fresh air and greet the morning with gentle stretching and energizing standing postures for balance and strength. This class is designed to connect to nature, to your body and to your breath in a gentle flow of postures suited for all. If at any time you come to a place in the class that is not do-able, just relax, breathe and enjoy the beauty of nature. Then join back when you are ready. There are no rules, no judgments, just fun connecting to nature and your practice.
Bring a blanket and plan to smile and have fun!
All are welcome!
Open your heart and let love flow in!

Yoga for Well Being
& Sun Salutations with Lata
on Englewood Beach
Manasota Key — Beach Road
a moderate level flow
Bring a Sheet and Yoga Mat
Fee $5
See Home page for dates
A moderate level flow of postures, Sun Salutations, and balance poses all sequence together with breath awareness to bring a feeling of well being to body, mind and spirit. Flowing in the space of blue sky and the rhythm of ocean waves connecting to the freedom and peace within.
Yoga's Sun Salutations are among the most refined and effective movement meditations for health and well-being ever created. Originally practiced to connect to the sun's vitality, this precise combination of forward bends, backbends and inversions awakens the breath and promotes circulation and inner balance through the flow of prana shakti — our creative life force.
Practicing Sun Salutations in the morning is a wonderful way to awaken your body, to stretch and to say good morning to each of your muscles. Sun Salutations give you a lot of power. It’s an energetic sequence designed to make you strong, powerful, glowing and confident.
This class is for seasoned yogis, a moderate level flow of postures. Please contact Lata to register!
Sunset Yoga & Crystal Bowls
on Englewood Beach
Manasota Key — Beach Road
Gentle Yoga for Every Body
see home page for dates & times
Bring a Sheet or blanket
Fee $5
Sunset is a magical time. Practicing yoga on the beach as we watch the sun set over the ocean is a truly transformative and beautiful experience. An evening yoga practice helps us to slow down, focus inward and gently transition from day to night.
Relax and re-new with the healing tones and vibrations of the Quartz Crystal Bowls as you release the stresses of the day. Clear your mind and move your body with a flow of yoga postures, deep breathing and gentle stretching as you soothe your soul in a moving meditation while the sun sets.

See Home Page for Dates and Times

Sunset Sound Meditation
on Englewood Beach
Manasota Key — Beach Road
Weather Permitting
Dates and Times Vary - See Home page for schedule
Bring a Blanket or a Sheet
Relax and enjoy the ocean waves, fresh air, sea birds and the setting sun while embraced in Sound Healing and Angelic tones and vibrations from the quartz crystal bowls as you are guided in a relaxing meditation.
Relax and replenish your body, mind and soul!
All are welcome!
Fee $10
See Home Page for Dates and Times

Moonlight Yoga with Lata
on Englewood Beach
with Crystal Bowls with Robert
Manasota Key — Beach Road
Dates and Times Vary
Held Once a Month weather permitting
see home page for dates and times
Bring a Sheet or blanket
Fee $5
Setting sun, meditation, yoga flow, moon rising and relaxation under the stars and sound healing tones of the crystal bowls.
See Home Page for Dates and Times